Saturday, April 16, 2016

Compelling Reasons

Here is one thing I have learned for sure...


Compelling reasons drive what we do and make it seem effortless


I often hear people say: "I love God, but just can't seem to make time for Him in my daily life. Somehow, He gets crowded out."

Which part is true?

There are two competing and opposing statements here: One is driving what they say is true -- and the other is driving what they actually do.

Note to self: There is always a compelling reason behind everything I actually do -- but not so much behind what I simply say I want to do.

When you feel that tension, or "disconnect" between your stated desire and your actions -- look for your compelling reasons and examine them with brutal honesty.

If you really understood your Father's passion for you, then spending time with Him would be so effortless and so compelling that you couldn't help but do it.

What's the resistance? 

Time certainly would not be an issue. You would make the time. So, if you are not doing this, at some level you lack a compelling reason to fuel your actions.

You may be living under the assumption that God is relying on YOU, rather than the other way around.

Compelling question: Is your life more dependent on what you're doing than Who you are  trusting -- and who you are becoming?

The solution is not completely up to you, so relax.

If you cannot seem to do what you say you want to do (and know that God wants you to do), then try getting alone and getting really honest with your Savior about what is keeping you away from Him. And when you identify it, then you can deal with it. But you don't have to solve it or fix it on your own. He made you and loves you -- and above all, He understands you.

It all starts with brutal honesty -- with yourself and with your loving Heavenly Father. 

He adores you and longs for your company more than you will ever know. He alone gives life and peace, and all of the power you need to do all that is required of you that is from Him. If you still feel overwhelmed with the tasks of this world, then maybe you are taking on more than He wants for you. Ask yourself "What has eternal value" and put those things first.

Your job is to ask, surrender, and receive.

Ask: "Father, please help me to love you more, and spend more time with you."
Surrender: "I cannot do it on my own. Give me a longing for You."
Receive: "Thank you for your promise to pour your Spirit into me." 

Here's a tip.

Make yourself a little smaller and your Father who loves you, a lot BIGGER. And don't let your gifts take the place of the Giver. His love for you is more compelling and empowering than any "to-do" list could ever be.

For Christ’s love compels us, because we are convinced that one died for all, and therefore all died. And he died for all, that those who live should no longer live for themselves but for him who died for them and was raised again. 
(2 Corinthians 5:14-15)

I have a song for everything: "Take It All" by Third Day; "The One I'm Running To" by 7th Time Down

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