Thursday, December 31, 2015

Celebrate the New You!

Beneath our skin-- a New Creation!

It's a New Year.  Let's take a moment and ponder how amazing it is that you are new in ways that you may not think about, or appreciate nearly enough.

As you begin that new diet or gym membership, zoom out from that clay jar you occupy and see yourself from God's point of view.

 There's so much more to us than meets the eye.

In Christ we have become new. We received a new heart, a progressively renewing mind, a new home (or destination), and a new nature that no longer enjoys sin. Our very identity changed when we accepted Jesus. We are hidden in Him, and He lives inside of us. We're different now: newer, cleaner, stronger, safer, and never, ever completely alone again.

Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation,; the old has gone, the new has come. (2 Corinthians 5:17)

Hillsong UNITED says it like this...

We are worlds, we are bodies
Empires of dirt and grace
Silhouettes and reflections
Caught in His holy flame

Who we really are is very different from what we seem like we are.  


We are made from dirt (the first Adam) -- but as Christ-followers, we were re-made in grace.  What you see (and often judge so harshly) in the mirror is not what God cares about the most. As far as He is concerned, you are already flawless (Hebrews 10:14).

We are reflections of our Maker as He lives His life through us -- infusing us with His love, His forgiveness, and His guidance and comfort.

It is mysterious how the closer we walk with Him, the more free we are to be our authentic selves. We lose ourselves to find ourselves. Funny how that works (Matthew 16:25).

We are shadows and portraits
Empires of light and clay
Images of our Maker
Sinners called out as saints

Jesus tells us that the world didn't know Him, and it won't recognize us either. 


We are aliens together with Him as long as we walk this earth (John 17:16). At first, this may seem alarming. But look deeper and you will see that it is pure love that separates us: His love for us, and our love for Him, and for the world.

And it's fine when the world doesn't love us back. It is not the world's job to love us back, so quit expecting it and you won't be so disappointed when you don't get it.

We are like heavenly docents on earth -- here to show and tell of His love with no need or expectation that the visitors we greet will reciprocate.

Who we really are is so much more than we can see or feel.


We are "forever" kind of people in Christ who can take the long view with our lives. We are heaven-bound with everything wonderful to look forward to -- and  free to love and live fearlessly on this side of eternity.

No eye has seen
No ear has heard
No mind conceive
What heaven holds

The first day of this New Year, let's remember how Jesus left His Father in heaven and came to earth to live, die, and live again so that we can eventually be where He is -- with our Father.  

That will be the New Year that never ends! Home at last. Until then ...

But here and now
Let earth be found
With all our crowns
Upon Your Name

Have a blessed New Year! Live and love fearlessly for God -- because after all, you have everything to gain. The new year seems like it's all ahead for you and me  -- but He's already there.

I have a song for everything:

 "Empires" by Hillsong UNITED; "Already There" by Casting Crowns

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